Here I'm going to show you how to connect to your Raspberry Pi through SSH on Windows and how to use VNC.
Table of Contents.To start you need to find the IP of your Raspberry Pi.
The easiest way to do that is through console.
Open it and type:
hostname -I
remember that you need to be connected to the internet.
it should look something like this.
To connect to Raspberry Pi with SSH you need to follow this simple steps:
To enable SSH go to Raspberry Pi Configuration ->
Interfaces ->
enable SSH
After you are done it should look like this.
Now open Command Prompt.
win + r then type cmd
In CMD type:
ssh pi@(RPI IP address)
Then type the password.
And you're done!
it should look like this
To connect to Raspberry Pi with VNC you need to follow this simple steps:
Interfaces ->
enable VNC
After you are done it should look like this.
Since Raspberry Pi is a server you need to install VNC viewer.
To do that click on this and install it from there.
After you are done open the application.
It should look like this.
In the Enter a VNC Server adress or search type the ip adress of the Raspberry Pi.
Next type username (probably pi ) and password.
And you're done!
You should see Raspberry Pi display now!